Clouds in a Jar!

For our Mad Science class, we learned about clouds.  We discovered how clouds produced rain and then made our own clouds and rain using shaving cream and food coloring!  Our next Mad Science class will be October 19th!  To register, click here!

Pirate Treasure Hunt!

September is Pirate Month!  Drop in to complete our Pirate Treasure Hunt and you will win a prize!

Decorate a Spooky Cookie!

When: October 29th
Time: 4:30p, 5:00p or 5:30p
Who: Children of all ages
Where: Beach Bakery Grand Cafe
Fee: $5.00

Call 288-3335 X 112 or visit the Idea Place to register!

Goodbye Summer....Hello Fall!

Wow!  What a great summer we had.  We hosted 171 programs with an attendance of 6,352 people!  Thank you so much!  We hope you had fun.  Here are pictures of different events.


Summer Reading Club Party

                                                               Not a Box Storytime

                                                                 Float Your Boat

                                                                   Squishy Robots

Kindergarten Readiness

                                                                     Gotta Dance!

Registration for September/October programs is underway!
To register click here

Hug a Book Week! September 6-14 2014!

For children of all ages. To celebrate the release of the new book Hug Machine by Scott Campbell, we will have activity packets available!  We will even raffle off the book! The winner will be announced September 15!