Under the Sea

It’s summer-time! And my favorite place to be is in the water at the beach. Here are some non-fiction books about animals in the sea!
Dolphins by Dean Stahl

Did you know that Dolphins can hold their breath for over seven minutes! Dolphins have a blowhole which helps air flow to the dolphin’s lungs every two minutes. Pick up this book at the library and learn more about this fascinating creature. (It also has amazing pictures inside too! J)
For ages 7 & up
 Shark by Fleur Star
There is something scary in the water…From great white sharks to the largest shark in the world, the whale shark; this book is packed with frightening facts and amazing pictures. Come to the library and pick up a copy!
For ages 7 & up
 Want to learn more? Check out these sites below!
~Mrs. Amarosa :)